Posts Tagged Republicans

Uhh, did I misspell his name? Welcome to oHIGHo AGAIN, BONER..



Can you tell that the NOW republican majority in both houses of congress, will not accomplish one damn thing to correct the barry years..

Clown Show: Boehner ‘Threatens’ Amnesty Lawsuit

House Speaker John Boehner’s planned response to President Barack Obama’s executive amnesty centers around adding immigration to a lawsuit against executive overreach criticized by conservative leaders as misguided, the Washington Post’s Bob Costa reported on Thursday evening.  426


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You, yes YOU representatives OF the American people, while defeating Islamics..

 IS vital, including ITS continual creeping here on our home turf, there is one way and ONLY ONE WAY, as a clue, it has a mushroom cloud, BUT if YOU believe that all this still warm election is based on “neocons” having A “bully pulpit”, THAT is pure BULLSHIT! YOUR constant ‘snatching defeat from the jaws of victory’ is NOT WHY YOU WERE Given the opportunity to lead, damn it!

Republican Senate takeover gives neocons, war hawks bully pulpit

GOP eyes expanded Islamic State war, increased pressure on Russia and Iran, insiders say


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It is just NOT this entire present administration that must go, the better part of this 535 member politburo must follow IT out the door..

Senate panel approves immigration bill…

Crowd in room chanted ‘Yes we can’ ‘Sí se puede’…

Senate panel OKs tax-welfare benefits for new immigrants…


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Shirley You Jest..


Obama Beats Romney as Better for Middle-Income Americans

PRINCETON, NJ — More Americans believe middle-income earners would be better off in four years if President Barack Obama is re-elected than if Mitt Romney wins, by 53% to 43%. The public also says lower-income Americans would be better off under an Obama presidency, while, by an even larger margin, they say upper-income Americans would do better under Romney.

Candidate Seen as Better for Various Groups, September 2012


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Bu-but, what about this..axeybabykins? Uhh, wouldn’t that kinda’ sorta’, make your boy wonder, the ORIGINAL BIRTHER?


David Axelrod clings bitterly to ‘birther’ meme, looks forward to RNC circus


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I am wondering if Jonathan Alter or as he stated..

..”PEOPLE WILL DIE IN THE UNITED STATES’ IF MITT ROMNEY IS ELECTED PRESIDENT” is being prophetic, in this upcoming election?

You know, something similar to these voting assistants:

Or these:

Or this: Mr. Steelworker (had to be union) “Romney killed my wife”

Haven’t these types been effective in getting off scot-free with obama and holder in charge? Couldn’t these types, take things to the next level? It’s not like they were punished, with this regime in place, what do they have to lose IF this regime is re-elected?

Is this what you mean, Jonathan Alter?

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One can see by the look on this Leftist’s face..’building a narrative to his leftist agenda’. The eyes and that smirk, give thou away, Ross!



On Good Morning America, ABC News’ Brian Ross and George Stephanolpoulos suggested that the Tea Party might be connected to the mass shootings early this morning in an Aurora, CO theater during a screening of the new Batman movie, The Dark Knight Rises. The mainstream media attempted to blame the Tea Party for the Tuscon shootings in January 2011, shortly after Republicans swept the midterm elections. Now, in the critical 2012 elections, the mainstream media seems poised to do the same–and ABC News has led the way.


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