Archive for category Alcohol

BTW..New Alcoholic Brew. etcbeertini © . BEER Don’t matter what brand. Higher alcohol the better. Tad of juice of Green olives skewed on a toothpick, stir gently. Drink the Bastard!!

..3 Garlic or Bleu Cheese Stuffed Green Olives skewed with toothpick in a pint of BEER. One Pepperoncini pepper, plus juice of, stir gently, let rest just a tad, then drink the damn thing or TEN © !!!


Drop them in an Extra Extra Dry Martini, continue to “cook”..

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I had no knowledge of this BUT now that I do..

..I shall now prepare the first of my malarial control regimen for the day!

Delicious Variations of Gin & Tonic Cocktails

From Chilled Magazine

The Gin and Tonic was originally made to prevent and treat malaria. In India and other tropical regions, malaria was (and in some places continues to be) a persistent problem. It was discovered in the 1700′s that quinine (a natural white crystalline alkaloid found in the bark of the cinchona tree and still used today as an ingredient in tonic water) had fever-reducing, antimalarial, painkilling and anti-inflammatory properties, and could be used to prevent and treat the disease.

The drawback? Quinine had a very bitter and unpleasant taste. British officers in India in the early 19th century took to adding a mixture of water, sugar, lime and gin to the quinine, thus making the drink more palatable. Soldiers in India were already given a gin ration, and the sweet concoction inevitably made sense. The Gin and Tonic was born.

Rather than mixing up just an ordinary Gin & Tonic, Hendrick’s Gin has provided us with a delicious and easy recipe. Hendrick’s is infused with cucumber and rose, which adds a nice twist to the classic Gin and Tonic cocktail.


AND from the ever popular ‘News You Can Use’ department..

The science behind everything you need to know about hangovers

The Myths:

1. I Feel Like Death Because Alcohol Made Me Dehydrated.

2. Mixing Boozes Will Make You More Hungover.

3. Vodka Makes Me Less Hungover Than Other Spirits.

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I would drink “heavily” too, if I “ate” a swan..


Enough of the bullshit! On to something important..


Vodka is a chameleon and blends seamlessly with just about anything. This is no accident: While there are no universal rules for producing the spirit, the final product is supposed to be colorless, odorless and tasteless. With that said, vodka isn’t completely neutral, and a number of distillers actually leave in a good amount of flavor. (The best way to taste these subtle differences is to drink vodka neat at room temperature.)

Traditionally, vodka was made from potatoes, corn or grains, but it is now made from a range of exotic bases including grapes, maple syrup and even soybeans. Unlike Scotches and cognacs, which are made in pot stills, vodka is usually produced in a high-volume, continuous column still. After distillation, the spirit is filtered to remove any remaining impurities. Coal is a traditional filter, but brands today use a range of materials, even including diamonds. Vodka isn’t aged and can be bottled and sold immediately after production. What’s also helping to drive sales in America is the wide range of flavored vodkas now on the market.

While the spirit may be clear, its history isn’t. No one is sure where it was first made. Each vodka-producing country, of course, claims to be the inventor. What we do know is that people began drinking vodka in America as early as the beginning of the 20th century. Sales of the spirit were low until after World War II, when Americans began to shift away from Scotch and bourbon. This movement was helped by Smirnoff’s aggressive marketing in the ‘50s and ‘60s and later by the introduction of the Swedish Absolut and the super-premium Grey Goose. Today, vodka is the most popular spirit in America and outsells rum, tequila and gin combined.


Vodka can be drunk straight when chilled, but it also works well in an array of famous cocktails such as the Martini, Vesper, Screwdriver, Bloody Mary and Greyhound.


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Viewing 14 of 32

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Yeah So! I knew that already..he-he-he..

Sugars found in tequila may protect against obesity, diabetes


Tequila shots may do more than lighten the mood at a party; the drink may be beneficial for your health as well.

According to researchers from Mexico, natural sugars derived from the agave plant, called agavins, greatly protected a group of mice against diet-induced obesity and type 2 diabetes, MedPage Today reported.

In a new study presented at the American Chemical Society (ACS) annual meeting in Dallas, mice were distributed into seven groups.  One group received a diet of plain water, while the other groups received water supplemented with either aspartame, glucose, fructose, sucrose, agave syrup or agavins.

The mice that consumed agavins showed a reduction in food intake and weight and a decrease in blood glucose levels.  These findings were similar to the control group that received standard water.

Because agavins act as dietary fibers and do not raise blood sugar, the researchers believe the ingredient could be used as an alternative sweetening agent.

“We believe agavins have a great potential as a light sweetener,” Mercedes G. López, of the Centro de Incetagcioan y de Estudios Avanzados, Biotechnology and Biochemistry Irapuato, in Guanajuato, Mexico wrote in the ACS abstract. “They are sugars, highly soluble, with a low glycemic index and a neutral taste…This puts agavins in a tremendous position for their consumption by obese and diabetic people.”

The alcoholic beverage tequila is made from the blue agave plant, primarily around the Mexican city of Tequila.  However, Lopez noted that agavins are not widely available and not as sweet as regular sugars.

Click for more from MedPage Today.

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Keeeyrist, can ya’ blame ’em?

When a very frequent ‘lounge’ “lizard” and I spotted a “bearded lady”, I had another drink, shook my head, mumbled ‘holy shit’ and walked, no, RAN away..

Male lizards tend to steer clear of bearded lady lizards

Trust science on this: Guys are generally not eager to mate with a high-testosterone bearded lady.  

But what goes on with other animals that share “male” ornamentation? Do the females pay a heavy price for aping the decoration of their sexual counterparts? If so, why would that trait survive?

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