Archive for category Klan

Hate to burst your bubble Black Theologians and Black Islamists, but you are going to lose devastatingly so, when the RACE WAR you want, comes to pass. Such is life, eh?

Jeremiah Wright on Derrick Bell, Jesus, and the Jews: A Sermon Obama Could Not Have Missed   by JOEL B. POLLAK

Jeremiah Wright, Barack Obama’s incendiary Chicago pastor, admired radical Harvard Law School professor Derrick Bell, inviting him to speak at Trinity United Church of Christ and referring to him from the pulpit. In one sermon, which Wright published in 1995 in a collection entitled Africans Who Shaped Our Faith: A Study of 10 Biblical Personalities, Wright referred specifically to Bell’s protest against Harvard–the same protest that Obama supported in a video released by last week. The sermon repeats the main doctrine of Bell’s Critical Race Theory–that the United States was founded on racism, and that America remains irredeemably racist. Wright also attacked “Jewish lawyers,” comparing the Jews of Jesus’s time to “Klansmen” and describing Jesus as a racial provocateur.

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Sen. Byrd to Stay Hospitalized

Should have happened long time ago. Thanks for all the PORK you gave West “by God” Virginia…it didn’t Bobbie.

How do ya’ like wearin’ them white sheets again, Bobbie?

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