Archive for category Structure

Peoples of the world we live in..

..are rising up against THEIR tyrants. In the case of the Ukraine, successfully so, at least up to this point and time. Tragically, many perished BUT those that live will not forget those that died. In fact, I seem to recall a MAJOR instance or TWO that occurred right here in the U.S.A.

One of those sparked by a King in England in his and his loyal subjects, against The Colonies. Just imagine being ruled by an entire group of present day Piers Morgan’s. The second MAJOR “instance”, being the FREEING of A people AND the right of individual States versus A powerful group known  AND to this day as, The Federal Government.

We the People, have and still do HAVE a lying, incompetent who is laughed at throughout this world, steeped in Neo-Marxism, clothed in the term, “community organizer” whose only known goal most definitely is, “I have a pen” or “I can do want I want”, so there! Toss in ALL of those that see being a Representative, Senator, A FEDERAL department head, or just Heaven forfend, a working drone of the “FEDERAL” bureaucratic, that do not and have not, SERVED We the People AND by thought, word and deed KNOW, the PEOPLE SERVE THEM!

We the People, do NOT need, nor do WE want, another King, whether that “King”, be white, black, brown, red OR a combination of all.

Are WE as a people satisfied with “free phones”, insurance coverage  for ALL at inexpensive rates, which it is NOT, a FEDERAL government spying on and listening in on every word, winking and nodding and provoking  of racial divisions, continued spending of TAX dollars, increasing those tax dollars to the point of, if there STILL IS a future U.S.A. a NATIONAL debt, decades into that “future”???

Again, Where are our present day Anti-Tyrants? Will it or could it be BLOODY? YES!

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Looks like Srinky..ooppss that wacsist. Umm, Slinky..


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