Posts Tagged Democratic

Seems as though you DO NOT KNOW the definition of PROLIFIC, Comey..

FBI Director Compares Chinese to ‘Drunk Burglar’…

“What are they trying to get?”

“Information that’s useful to them so they don’t have to invent. They can copy or steal to learn about how a company might approach negotiations with a Chinese company, all manner of things,” said Comey.

“How many hits from China do we take in a day?”

“Many, many, many. I mean, there are two kinds of big companies in the United States. There are those who’ve been hacked by the Chinese and those who don’t know they’ve been hacked by the Chinese,” said Comey.

“The Chinese are that good?”

“Actually,” the FBI director replied, “not that good. I liken them a bit to a drunk burglar. They’re kicking in the front door, knocking over the vase, while they’re walking out with your television set. They’re just prolific. Their strategy seems to be: We’ll just be everywhere all the time. And there’s no way they can stop us.”

Definition of PROLIFIC:

  1. 1.
    (of a plant, animal, or person) producing much fruit or foliage or many offspring.
    “in captivity, tigers are prolific breeders”
    synonyms: productive, creative, INVENTIVE, fertile


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“Now You Know What the ‘A’ Stands For.”




Shown here is an image from an email sent from Rep. Alan Grayson’s campaign.Courtesy of Dave Levinthal

Democratic Rep. Alan Grayson, who is known for lobbing over-the-top rhetorical bombs at his political foes, once again is being accused of taking things too far — after his campaign sent an email that compared the Tea Party to the Ku Klux Klan while depicting a burning cross.

The email showed a large image of the flaming cross, with the letters “ea Party” etched in to the right of it. The caption read: “Now You Know What the ‘T’ Stands For.


Picture of the Anus

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Chuck, that IS a Panther. And thanks to your photography prowess, most if not all see that as a BLACK Panther. Hmmm, in that case let me show you pics of OTHER Black Panthers..


On the list of Todd’s sins, this is small potatoes, actually, especially when compared to the shameless race-baiting he did live on-the-air during the Republican convention. Of all the media low-points during the convention, none was lower than Todd walking around the convention floor as he accused the GOP of using non-white convention-goers as tokens and seating them for maximum camera effect.  



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Hilarious! (HEY, I think it is!) Email via a friend..

Retractable Stadium Roof…
Charlotte NC is remodeling their stadium, installing a retractable roof, in time for the Democratic National Convention and Obama’s speech



Retractable Stadium Roof…


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Proof positive, that foot in mouth disease is genetic..

John_Frank / Raleigh News & Observer:

Beau Biden takes shot at Mitt Romney, hits Gov. Bev Perdue  —  Beau Biden, the son of the Democratic vice president, went “off script,” as he called it, to fire a shot a Republican Mitt Romney but hit Gov. Bev Perdue at the same time.  —  At the N.C. Democratic Party’s annual fundraising dinner..

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I like it. Nothing beats a drunk politician (or Lefties), with a microphone stuck in his or her face..

Shay / CBS Charlotte:

New Law To Keep Booze Flowing For Democratic Convention  —  RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — Adding a twist to blue laws in an increasingly red state, North Carolina’s Republican-led legislature is toasting a measure intended to keep the booze flowing at the Democratic National Convention.

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This, I do not understand. Would “the legislature in Lansing” have preferred the street terms?

Michigan lawmakers barred from floor after ‘vagina,’ ‘vasectomy’ remarks

(CNN– Two state representatives in Michigan were barred from speaking on the floor of the legislature in Lansing Thursday after colleagues deemed their language “failed to maintain the decorum” of the legislative body.

State Reps. State Reps. Lisa Brown and Barb Byrum, both Democrats, were arguing against proposed legislation that would enact new restrictions on abortions in Michigan, including provisions for new insurance requirements for abortion providers.


CNN via

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To Funny! Has Mr. Heinz..uhh, Kerry paid his boat taxes yet, Mass.?


If the Democrats actually believe the rhetoric from people like Ben Jealous, then they have disenfranchised scores of potential delegates with this photo ID requirement. If, on the other hand, they instituted the photo ID requirement to ensure the integrity of the votes of the party delegates, they should repudiate the NAACP and work to ensure that their own rules carry through election day. by MIKE FLYNN

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