Posts Tagged Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

Speaking of Douchebags, Mark Halperin..

Time Editor Blames Romney for Media’s Failure to Scrutinize ObamaCare

Laura Ingraham pressed Time’s Mark Halperin to explain why he and his colleagues refused to scrutinize ObamaCare for three years or take Republican warnings (all of which are proving true) seriously. To his credit, Halperin didn’t dodge the fact that  the media failed to do its job. He did, though, rather bizarrely blame Mitt Romney and Republicans for it.   by John Nolte

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Hey, uhh, Vlad, next time you step on this asshats throat, make sure……………

Obama Attacks Fox News During ObamaCare Promotion Speech

NO, I did not watch the Video. CAUSE, I can’t stand this MOFO..

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“We’re going to have to keep marching…..” Does Barry REALLY believe that HE is in the same league as a person of MLK Jr.? Evidently the CBC thinks that as well..

Kevin Bogardus / The Hill:
Obama rallies Black Caucus

President Obama gave a rousing speech at the annual Congressional Black Caucus dinner on Saturday, pledging not to negotiate with Republicans over raising the debt ceiling.

Obama said Republicans in Congress are willing to throw the economy into peril  in their effort to defund the Affordable Care Act. Some in the GOP have also  threatened not to raise the debt ceiling in an attempt to block ObamaCare.

First false statement. The House passed their CR with that, AGAIN Barry SPENDING alive. Stupid as they are. But he just ADORES calling that debacle named after him. Speaking of an Obama, has he noticed that Kenyans seem to be killing others, that ARE NOT MUSLIM. Which brings us, once again to his “dreams of” Daddy AND of course himself, isn’t that correct Barry Soetoro?

Then in typical the fashion of a  summa cum laude,  graduate of school of Neo-Marxism in Alinsky studies, he utters:

“Let me say as clearly as I can: It is not going to happen. We have come too  far. We have overcome far darker threats than those,”

AND while alluding to COLOR, equates himself to MLK Jr. with this gem:

Obama recalled his speech last month celebrating the 50th anniversary of the  March on Washington, citing civil rights leaders like Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.)  and Rev. Joseph Lowery in the process.

“We’re going to have to keep marching.  And I’m proud that I’ll be, at least for  the next three and a half years here in Washington and then a whole lot of years  after that, I’m going to be marching with you,”

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They still do, stupid asses! Look no further then/than (pick one) the elections 2008 and 2012..

Steve Benen / The Rachel Maddow Show:

Elections used to have consequences  —  If you listen to congressional Republicans defend their shutdown scheme and crusade to destroy the federal health care system, they’ll routinely use the same phrase.  The “American people,” the GOP claims, are on their side.

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It’s what they do best. False Claims..


The left is going bonkers over another false meme–this time, the idea that Mitt Romney praised the Israeli health care system, which is a single-payer system of the sort that gives conservatives the creeps. Romney specifically mentioned the low cost of health care in Israel relative to that of the U.S. Therefore, the left and the media suggest, he is a hypocrite for wanting to repeal Obamacare–with all its supposed cost control measures. There are two major problems with that argument, however.  by JOEL B. POLLAK

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Me thinks Steyn is speaking to you SCOTUS, particularly Roberts..

Constitutional Contortions By Mark Steyn

Great. That and $4.95 will get you a decaf macchiato in the Supreme Court snack bar. There’s nothing constitutionally seemly about a Court decision that says this law is only legal because the people’s representatives flat-out lied to the people when they passed it. Throughout the Obamacare debates, Democrats explicitly denied it was a massive tax hike: “You reject that it’s a tax increase?” George Stephanopoulos demanded to know on ABC. “I absolutely reject that notion,” replied the president. Yet “that notion” is the only one that would fly at the Supreme Court. The jurists found the individual mandate constitutional by declining to recognize it as a mandate at all. For Roberts’ defenders on the right, this is apparently a daring rout of Big Government: Like Nelson contemplating the Danish fleet at the Battle of Copenhagen, the chief justice held the telescope to his blind eye and declared, “I see no ships.”

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Dedicated to all those Tweeters, including buzzy feed and buzzy feeders

Buzzfeed uses liberals’ tweets to portray conservatives as stupid  via

17 people who said they are moving to Canada because of…


Yesterday, Buzzfeed ran an article, “People Who Say They’re Moving To Canada Because Of ObamaCare,” featuring 17 people who claim they are moving to Canada to protest the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision upholding the Affordable Care Act. The snarky subhead: “I’m sure they’ll like the healthcare just fine there.”

Shorter Buzzfeed: Stupid conservatives! So very, very stupid!

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Rep. West Statement on the United States Supreme Court Healthcare Ruling..

(WASHINGTON)–– Congressman Allen West (R-FL) released this statement today after the United States Supreme Court announced it has ruled to uphold the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act:
“The United States Supreme Court has ruled to uphold the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act by extending the power of the United States Congress to tax Americans‘ behavior.  This is a sad day for Americans, as they will be taxed to pay for benefits they may not need or want as part of the insurance they are forced to buy. With this decision, Congress has been granted infinite taxation power, and there are no longer any limits on what the federal government can tax its citizens to do.
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act will hit the middle class especially hard, as hundreds of thousands of jobs will be lost as businesses try to avoid the penalties and costs created by the healthcare law. The healthcare law will cost trillions of dollars, raise costs for employers and create huge incentives for them to drop health insurance.
Benjamin Franklin did indeed state, ‘In this world, nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.’However, Dr. Franklin never envisioned the federal government would use its power of taxation to punish people for not purchasing health care.  Today, individual sovereignty in America has been defeated.”

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