Posts Tagged United States

In the Neo-Marxist Alinsky/Gramsci fashion of gradualism, the LEFT in the U.S.A.. making Vladimir Putin seem like a NEOPHYTE in Marxist Theology AND the Left in and of the U.S.A. is winning the battle.

Kathleen Belew / New York Times:

EVANSTON, Ill. — WHEN Frazier Glenn Miller shot and killed three people in Overland Park, Kan., on Sunday, he did so as a soldier of the white power movement: a groundswell that united Klansmen, neo-Nazis and other fringe elements after the Vietnam War


If one takes a look at my picture, what one will see is BROWN. Must be that Sicilian Heritage. In using the Little Miss Lefty pabula, I guess I am a Brown Supremacist.

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Criminal ! Mikey’s favorite though, was Big Gulp Drinks..


She wakes to the sound of breathing. The smaller children lie tangled beside her, their chests rising and falling under winter coats and wool blankets. A few feet away, their mother and father sleep near the mop bucket they use as a toilet. Two other children share a mattress by the rotting wall where the mice live, opposite the baby, whose crib is warmed by a hair dryer perched on a milk crate.

Yet Dasani’s trials are not solely of her parents’ making. They are also the result of decisions made a world away, in the marble confines of City Hall. With the economy growing in 2004, the Bloomberg administration adopted sweeping new policies intended to push the homeless to become more self-reliant. They would no longer get priority access to public housing and other programs, but would receive short-term help with rent. Poor people would be empowered, the mayor argued, and homelessness would decline.

But the opposite happened. As rents steadily rose and low-income wages stagnated, chronically poor families like Dasani’s found themselves stuck in a shelter system with fewer exits. Families are now languishing there longer than ever — a development that Mr. Bloomberg explained by saying shelters offered “a much more pleasurable experience than they ever had before.”

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Hey, uhh, Vlad, next time you step on this asshats throat, make sure……………

Obama Attacks Fox News During ObamaCare Promotion Speech

NO, I did not watch the Video. CAUSE, I can’t stand this MOFO..

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They still do, stupid asses! Look no further then/than (pick one) the elections 2008 and 2012..

Steve Benen / The Rachel Maddow Show:

Elections used to have consequences  —  If you listen to congressional Republicans defend their shutdown scheme and crusade to destroy the federal health care system, they’ll routinely use the same phrase.  The “American people,” the GOP claims, are on their side.

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Until you were elected, twice, we were not..

Adam Aigner-Treworgy / CNN:
Obama: ‘We are not some banana republic’

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Keep on eye on this PORKER, he’s a “white Hisp..He’s..umm German, yeah White German, dats it..

Ed Schultz: “Thanks to a lot of Republican policies, [Detroit] is now filing for bankruptcy” by Erika Johnsen

Actual quote.

Alinsky Tactic #5. “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counteract ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage.”

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Elitist Leftism, is like HIV. Once you have it, it’s yours. There is no cure!


Brokaw seems to be employing a tactic common among has-been journalists these days. They seem to be afraid that any story seen as “bigger” than the stories they covered in their day somehow diminishes their life work, and therefore any suggestion to this effect must be smacked down immediately.  by LARRY O’CONNOR


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Shirley you jest! Shiiite, what about Barry’s election?

State Department: Huge irregularities in Putin election…

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