Posts Tagged Wisconsin

Well naturally they would. The goal is to completely fuck up the nation. Their acronym says it all: A-CLU, they haven’t got one..

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To the first link, I say Bring It! As to the second link, a reminder of the biggest union buster..

Class Warfare? Yes please. via memeorandum

Wisconsin Supreme Court upholds union-busting legislation  via memeorandum

“… Meticulous attention should be paid to the special relationships and obligations of public servants to the public itself and to the government. All Government employees should realize that the process of collective bargaining, as usually understood, cannot be transplanted into the public service. It has its distinct and insurmountable limitations … The very nature and purposes of Government make it impossible for … officials … to bind the employer … The employer is the whole people, who speak by means of laws enacted by their representatives …

“Particularly, I want to emphasize my conviction that militant tactics have no place in the functions of any organization of government employees. Upon employees in the federal service rests the obligation to serve the whole people … This obligation is paramount … A strike of public employees manifests nothing less than an intent … to prevent or obstruct … Government … Such action, looking toward the paralysis of Government … is unthinkable and intolerable.”

For example, although he had a lock on labor’s vote, he expressed caution about public sector unions. In a little-known letter he wrote to the president of the National Federation of Federal Employees in 1937, Roosevelt reasoned:

FDR’s warning: Public employee unions a no-no

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WWDD..What Will Democrats Do..

Controversial Wisconsin Labor Law Cleared to Take Effect  via Fox News

Wisconsin’s Republican governor has won a major victory: the state Supreme Court says his polarizing union rights law can go into effect.

Gov. Scott Walker pushed the law that eliminates most of public employees’ collective bargaining rights and forces them to pay more for their health and pension benefits. He says it’s needed for the state to address its budget problems.

The law passed in March after weeks of protests that drew tens of thousands of people to the state Capitol. But the law has been tied up in the courts since a Democrat filed a lawsuit accusing Republicans of violating the state open meetings law during the run-up to passage.

The Wisconsin Supreme Court said the judge (Sumi) had no authority to interfere with the legislative process.

Read more:

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Aww come on big man, just get a bunch of fellow cowards and stone her, like your Taliban friends would do..

WI Democrat Tells Female Constituent He Wants to “Smack Her Around” in Message (Audio) GatewayPundit via memeorandum

A Wisconsin democrat running in a recall election left a message on a woman’s answering machine. The democrat said he ought to smack her around in a message he didn’t know was being recorded.

and here is the audio

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OK, this is kinda’, sorta’ “newsie”. Spring Break Report..

..the most ridiculous, idiotic and stupidest operators of vehicles, observed (first hand knowledge) in this vacation area of East Tennessee, by state license plate:

1. Wisconsin. These individuals attempt to conceal there faces when one notices, from where they came. OH and locals laugh at that location and them.

2. Ohio. Had a “gentleman” shout at me (open windows) to SLOW DOWN! This, from driving DOWN a steeply inclined road. Sooo, in a mild mannered mood, out of the goodness of my heart, I turned around, followed him to where he was “vacationing” and said..”If you don’t like the way we drive on these East Tennessee mountain roads, I’d suggest you stay in Ohio. BESIDES, it’s easier to spell, with only four letters”.

3. Indiana. Letterman’s home territory. Enough said/typed.

That’s it for now, but as the person with one glass eye once said..”I’ll keep an eye out for you”..


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If I haven’t typed this in prior posts, I will now. I DESPISE unions..


Outside of the fact, that the below mentions Wisconsin, it does reference a union. I could care less as to what happens to Wisconsin. As stated in prior postings, the U.S. could deed the damn place to Canada, for all I care.


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It’s all Cow Dung..

FOX + Somali Prime Minister Puts Life on Line to ‘Regain the Dignity’ of His People

What “dignity”!?

Somali Terror Suspect Seeks Release in U.S.

Betcha’ he wins. ‘Good to be back home, where I can pirate or terrorize. Gosh, maybe both’..

    Don’t know about anyone else, but I’m ALL Wisconsin’d OUT!

    One thing  Republicans must do though, IS counteract these UNION PUSSIES and Democrats, for if they do NOT “On Wisconsin” very well could become a whole new way of life for our nation. WE will be organized and run, by UNIONS and Leftists, but that’s redundant..,

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    Writings of Wisconsin. It’s still a State isn’t it?



    THE EDITORSThe Left isn’t fighting for workers, but for its power to seize their paychecks. A Modest Victory in Wisconsin.

    CHRISTIAN SCHNEIDER: Wisconsin Democratic assemblymen whine on about the bill’s passage. Wisconsin Takes Action.

    KATRINA TRINKO: The battle gets hotter as Wisconsin Democrats mount recall efforts against eight GOP senators. Playing the Recall Card.

    DEROY MURDOCK: Workers should decide whether to join a union. The Right to Choose.

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