Posts Tagged Law

Dedicated to TaSha B. Levy. Who posited: “conservatives like Thomas Sowell, Clarence Thomas, John McWhorter, and others have “played one of the most-significant roles in the assault on the civil-rights legacy that benefited them.”

Comin’ Right Atcha’ TaSha..

Occupy and the Moral Infrastructure  By Thomas Sowell

The “Occupy” movement, which the Obama administration and much of the media have embraced, has implications that reach far beyond the passing sensation it has created.

The unwillingness of authorities to put a stop to their organized disruptions of other people’s lives, their trespassing, their vandalism, and their violence is a de facto suspension, if not repeal, of the Fourteenth Amendment’s requirement that the government provide “equal protection of the laws” to all its citizens.

How did the Occupy movement acquire such immunity from the laws that the rest of us are expected to obey? Simply by shouting politically correct slogans and calling themselves representatives of the 99 percent against the 1 percent.

But just when did the 99 percent elect them as their representatives? If in fact 99 percent of the people in the country were like these Occupy mobs, we would not have a country. We would have anarchy.

Democracy does not mean mob rule. It means majority rule. If the Occupy movement, or any other mob, actually represents a majority, then they already have the votes to accomplish legally whatever they are trying to accomplish by illegal means.

Mob rule means imposing what the mob wants, regardless of what the majority of voters want. It is the antithesis of democracy.

In San Francisco, when the mob smashed the plate-glass window of a small business shop, the owner put up some plywood to replace the glass, and the mob wrote graffiti on his plywood. The consequences? None for the mob, but a citation for the shop owner for not removing the graffiti.

When trespassers blocking other people at the University of California–Davis refused to disperse, and locked their arms with one another to prevent the police from being able to physically remove them, the police finally resorted to pepper spray to break up this human logjam. The result? The police have been strongly criticized for enforcing the law. Apparently pepper spray is unpleasant, and people who break the law are not supposed to have unpleasant things done to them. Which is to say, we need to take the “enforcement” out of “law enforcement.”

Everybody is not given these exemptions from paying the consequences of their own illegal acts. Only people who are currently in vogue with the elites of the Left — in the media, in politics, and in academia.

The Fourteenth Amendment? What is the Constitution or the laws when it comes to ideological soul mates, especially young soulmates who remind the aging 1960s radicals of their youth?

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# 44, with his best angry BLACK Richard Pryor LOOK. Not even close CHUMP! Even in a comedy mode, Pryor would make you turn green, man..



via Breitbart

Fifth Circuit calls out DOJ lawyer: Is your boss now claiming that courts don’t have the power to strike down laws? Update: A lawyer’s take by Allahpundit


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Hookers, EH?

Ontario, Canada court legalizes prostitution

Ontario’s top court legalizes brothels, pimping in move to protect prostitutes..


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In the state of Florida, failing to disclose a fact such as below, either by owner or real estate folk can get your sweet ass named to a wall, PLUS lawsuit goodies. Caveat: This is Wisincontinent, though..

Doggone Shame: Family Must Move to Keep Pets

TAKING LIBERTIES Wisconsin town law limiting pets forces family to choose between their dogs and home..

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Hey holder, ever hear of these? *Ignorantia juris non excusat or ignorantia legis neminem excusat..

‘Fast and Furious’ Guns Found at Ariz. Crime Scene

The above is bad enough..      

Holder: Higher-Ups Were Unaware of ATF Operation  

The above is worse considering that those who/whom were “unaware”, are charged to uphold ALL “law..

*(Latin for “ignorance of the law does not excuse” or “ignorance of the law excuses no one”) is a legal principle holding that a person who is unaware of a law may not escape liability for violating that law merely because he or she was unaware of its content.

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Well of course! They aren’t called ambulance chasers for nothin’. Another term used for these parasites of society is, Congressperson. Gosh, forgot, obama administration..

Lawyers who represent responders expected to bank $400 million in fees by billing at rates up to $585 an hour.
Give or take 40% of people in the U.S. Congress as a whole, can claim the title of doctor of jurisprudence, or a more common name is, Bar Fly..

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That’s much better. HEY! obama’s the one that said it..

Mexico, Others Criticize New Ala. Immigration Law  

via Fox News

In an effort to ensure their citizens are treated fairly in Alabama, 16 nations, including Mexico, filed briefs against the state’s controversial new immigration law that has already drawn fire from the U.S. Department of Justice.

Edward Still, a Birmingham attorney who filed the brief, told The Montgomery Advertiser that the nations “want to have one immigration law and not 50  56 or 57.”

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WWDD..What Will Democrats Do..

Controversial Wisconsin Labor Law Cleared to Take Effect  via Fox News

Wisconsin’s Republican governor has won a major victory: the state Supreme Court says his polarizing union rights law can go into effect.

Gov. Scott Walker pushed the law that eliminates most of public employees’ collective bargaining rights and forces them to pay more for their health and pension benefits. He says it’s needed for the state to address its budget problems.

The law passed in March after weeks of protests that drew tens of thousands of people to the state Capitol. But the law has been tied up in the courts since a Democrat filed a lawsuit accusing Republicans of violating the state open meetings law during the run-up to passage.

The Wisconsin Supreme Court said the judge (Sumi) had no authority to interfere with the legislative process.

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