Posts Tagged Metro Areas

Hey, I know, Let’s Bomb The Sterling Hall, Again..


Unhappy with the results of last night’s peaceful, orderly exercise of democracy, the anarchists associated with the occupy movement took to the streets of Milwaukee tonight for an impromptu march. Exclusive video from Breitbart News’ Jeremy Segal shows the march in its inception. As of 7:05 ET, there was one arrest reported. Developing…on BREITBART TV

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Part of the 99%. Sure, in your wet dreams Davie Boy..

Free food a draw: ‘I eat better here than I do with my parents!’  

New York Post via Drudge

IN PLAIN SIGHT: A protest attendee named Dave (above) relaxes in Zuccotti Park, where he said he’s been getting high while running from warrants.




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Like many, if not all, I watched in complete horror. I could not believe my eyes. I could not eat. I could not move..

Not to long later, there was this New York smart ass, that visited the resort I managed the sales of. This fast talking New York hot shot, turned out to be FDNY, on a well deserved leave of absence. I thanked him for being a hero, he gulped. With misty eyes, he said “Thanks and I ain’t buyin’ a damn thing”..LOL.

As typical for us and our sales effort, we had an afternoon brunch. The welcome brunch was two days after the encounter with this smart ass FDNY.

Mr. FDNY and his Mrs. showed, as I promised him, we wouldn’t sell nor make the attempt to sell him, a damn thing. Crowd at this brunch was full house. All were seated, I grabbed the microphone and announced to all, that WE had a hero in our midst. Mr. Smart Ass, got squirmy.

Indicating who he (and his Mrs.) was and what he did. The room erupted in cheers. Standing ovation and that ovation would not stop.

Mr. FDNY, with tears in his eyes came up to me and sputtered, “Thank You, You Bastard” (typical New Yorker, huh?). We laughed our asses off.

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