Posts Tagged Immigration

That’s much better. HEY! obama’s the one that said it..

Mexico, Others Criticize New Ala. Immigration Law  

via Fox News

In an effort to ensure their citizens are treated fairly in Alabama, 16 nations, including Mexico, filed briefs against the state’s controversial new immigration law that has already drawn fire from the U.S. Department of Justice.

Edward Still, a Birmingham attorney who filed the brief, told The Montgomery Advertiser that the nations “want to have one immigration law and not 50  56 or 57.”

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Our nation just cannot take four more years of this Alinsky’ite..

Obama mocks Republican position on immigration

EL PASO, Texas (AP) – In search of Hispanic votes and an immigration overhaul, President Barack Obama on Tuesday stood at the U.S.-Mexico border for the first time since winning the White House and declared it more secure than ever. He mocked Republican lawmakers for blocking immigration over border security alone, saying they won’t be happy until they get a moat with alligators along the border.

“They’ll never be satisfied,” he said.

Stymied by both chambers of Congress, the president ditched lawmakers in favor of voters who might pressure them, making an appeal to the public on a hot and dusty day far outside the beltway. He told a friendly El Paso, Texas, crowd that it’s up to them to tell Congress to pass legislation providing a pathway to citizenship for 11 million illegal immigrants. What Idioso in charge mean to say IS 11 million illegal voters.

Rules for Radicals/Saul Alinsky

Rule 5: Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. It’s hard to counterattack ridicule, and it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage. 

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The Gusty..Ooopps gutsy Killah speaketh. Remember The AlaMode..

Obama Hits Reset on Immigration

In his first trip to the U.S.-Mexico border as commander-in-chief, President Obama on Tuesday called on Congress to pass sweeping legislation that would remake the nation’s immigration system.

Speaking to an enthusiastic crowd in the politically unfriendly territory of El Paso, Texas, the president sought to cast immigration overhaul as a pocketbook concern rather than a security or moral issue.

Obama noted that Intel, Google, Yahoo and eBay were all founded by an immigrant.

What ‘The Killah‘ did NOT say: The above founding immigrants were here legally, IF they were immigrants, to begin with..

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“civil debate”, Obama? Sure.

Comprehensive immigration reform probably doomed

WASHINGTON (AP) – President Barack Obama revisited a key campaign promise when he hosted a White House meeting of elected officials and experts on immigration. But if a major overhaul of the nation’s immigration policy is his goal, Republicans in Congress say he shouldn’t hold his breath.

They say any bill that even hints at amnesty or legalization for millions of illegal immigrants already living and working in the United States is dead before it ever makes an appearance in a congressional committee.

Obama also promised to continue working to build a bipartisan consensus around immigration and said he would lead a “civil debate” on the issue in the months ahead, the White House said. But he also said he will not succeed if he alone is leading the debate.

For his part, Smith said he thinks the Obama administration should first secure the U.S.-Mexican border and put a greater emphasis on rooting out illegal workers and the businesses that hire them.

“There are 7 million illegal workers in this country,” Smith said. “I’d like to see those jobs go to American citizens and legal workers.”

He also criticized the Obama administration for what he sees as a substantial reduction in workplace enforcement.

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Have to admire this lady..

Alert BREAKING NEWS: Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer to Countersue Federal Government for Not Enforcing Immigration Laws

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HEY! As long as Incompanato is taking care of Afghanistan, we have no probs OK!

Immigration Office Eases Off Foreign Worker Rule After Employer Backlash

He said the fact that the Department of Homeland Security was not already requiring employers to certify their compliance was a “gaping hole” in national security.

The new rule will require employers to fill out a new section on their foreign worker applications stating that they either don’t need a license or, if they do need one, will block the employee-in-waiting from any sensitive information until the license is obtained. <——-(believe that one, I gotta’ bridge for ya’)

“It’s a little surprising that it’s taken this long to get it onto a form,” Graham said.

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Another Gem..Simple solution here, let us make every single being on the planet, a citizen of the U.S..

..surely shirley, that should please the Dem’s. Look at ALL THOSE VOTES!

Washington Times: Stance on illegals to change in Congress

There could be proposed curbs on federal spending in cities that don’t do enough to identify people who are in the country illegally and attempts to reduce the numbers of legal immigrants. Democrats ended the year failing for a second time to win passage of the Dream Act, which would have given hundreds of thousands of young illegal immigrants a chance at legal status.

Democrats, who will still control the Senate, will be playing defense against harsh immigration enforcement measures, mindful of their need to keep on good footing with Hispanic voters. But a slimmer majority and an eye on 2012 may prevent Senate Democrats from bringing to the floor any sweeping immigration bill, or even a limited one that hints at providing legal status to people in the country illegally.


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