Posts Tagged Immigration law

That’s much better. HEY! obama’s the one that said it..

Mexico, Others Criticize New Ala. Immigration Law  

via Fox News

In an effort to ensure their citizens are treated fairly in Alabama, 16 nations, including Mexico, filed briefs against the state’s controversial new immigration law that has already drawn fire from the U.S. Department of Justice.

Edward Still, a Birmingham attorney who filed the brief, told The Montgomery Advertiser that the nations “want to have one immigration law and not 50  56 or 57.”

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He should know that, Ms. Swain. “Dereliction of Duties”, are his strong points

Law Professor to Congress: Obamas Failure to Enforce Immigration Law Is Dereliction of Duties’


Carol Swain, professor of political science and law at Vanderbilt University

( – A Vanderbilt University law professor told a House committee on Tuesday that President Barack Obama’s failure to enforce federal immigration law is a “dereliction of duties” that puts Americans at risk.

“President Obama’s failure to enforce federal immigration laws raises the question of whether we are a nation of laws or a nation without the courage of its convictions,” Professor Carol Swain said in her opening remarks. “This dereliction of duties places our citizens at risk, and it damages our national sovereignty and standing in the world.”

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