Judging by your recent past, just could be the old: ‘Paybacks are a bitch Wis-incontinent’..

Small Town Plagued By Mysterious Booming Noise


Wisconsin officials search for cause of loud booming sound that has some residents considering leaving town

CLINTONVILLE, Wis. –  Bemused curiosity is turning into worry and aggravation for families in a small Wisconsin town longing for peace and quiet after three nights of mysterious booming noises that have sent some residents into the streets — sometimes still in their pajamas.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/03/21/mysterious-booms-rattle-wisconsin-city/?test=latestnews#ixzz1pqTiP6YH

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  1. #1 by elcampeador on March 23, 2012 - 7:39 PM

    Terrific video Mags. Creepy too, eh? lol. Think the Supreme Power is trying to tell us Earthlings something. Sit Down, Shut Up or I shall take it all away..

  2. #2 by magsx2 on March 23, 2012 - 3:06 AM

    I was reading about this, some say the noise is coming from the core of the earth, which is about the best explaination I found. 😀
    However people have gone and put up a whole heap of videos on you tube, some ridiculous, others not bad.

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