HEY! As long as Incompanato is taking care of Afghanistan, we have no probs OK!

Immigration Office Eases Off Foreign Worker Rule After Employer Backlash

He said the fact that the Department of Homeland Security was not already requiring employers to certify their compliance was a “gaping hole” in national security.

The new rule will require employers to fill out a new section on their foreign worker applications stating that they either don’t need a license or, if they do need one, will block the employee-in-waiting from any sensitive information until the license is obtained. <——-(believe that one, I gotta’ bridge for ya’)

“It’s a little surprising that it’s taken this long to get it onto a form,” Graham said.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011/01/01/immigration-office-eases-foreign-worker-rule-employer-backlash/#ixzz19u72R6k0

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